Pricing - Have identical pricing for two identical Properties
under review
John Don Key DeMayo
Related but different. We have two homes next to each other, sometimes rented together and sometimes rented separately. We have a bomo listing for them (so if someone searches for 12 bedrooms, they see our wo 6 bedroom home package listing. I'd like to be able to price the combo as (price for house 1 + price for house 2).
Jake Creasey
under review
Sweet Haven
We have two identical cabins as well. Where are yours?
Sweet Haven
I could not agree more with this feature request. This means that for four of my houses I will be forced to set static pricing to make them comparable. This is a huge drawback!
I have two private rooms in the SAME home and the current version prices them differently on the same nights with a 25% difference. Doesn't make sense to customers, nor to me.